It can be easy to neglect cleaning your office. After a long day of work, who wants to spend time tidying up? That’s what a cleaning crew is for! Even the best cleaning crew can’t get every piece of dirt or grime. That’s why it’s so important to spend a few minutes every day cleaning a few of these top dirty spots.
- Your computer keyboard. Everything you touch gets infected with bacteria and dirt. It’s easy enough to wipe off your desk, mouse, and other high touch areas daily, but your keyboard is full of nooks and crannies that love to collect dirt, especially if you eat at your desk. Make sure to disinfect and clean your keyboard each week thoroughly. Keep a case of q-tips in your office to clean between the keys and get that hard to reach grime. A pressurized duster can also help. Just make sure that you don’t get your keyboard wet.
- Your filing cabinet. Try this experiment: empty one drawer of your filing cabinet and see what nasty surprises await you inside. It’s easy to forget how much dirt, crumbs, and grime can collect inside these drawers. If you can, move the files and do a quick vacuum with the hose attachment to get loose dirt and dust. Clean with disinfectant wipes, and once a quarter, consider emptying your cabinet to wipe it out. Bonus tip, this is also a great time to sort your files and throw away old ones.
- Behind your furniture. Your cleaning crew probably doesn’t have time to pull out your office furniture and do a deep clean every week. Behind desks, computers, and furniture, dust and debris build-up. This can irritate your allergies and affect the air quality in your office. Periodically pull out your furniture and clean behind it.
- Your personal belongings. Your cleaning crew may be hesitant to touch the personal items you keep in your office. If you keep pictures, nick knacks, and other items on your desk, they probably need to be disinfected often. Keep a supply of disinfectant wipes handy and make it a regular part of your routine to regularly wipe down everything on your desk and in your office.
It’s more important than ever to keep your office clean and disinfected. One way we can help is with the MicroShield360 system. Using electrostatic technology, we can apply this solution on any surface. It offers superior protection against the buildup of bacteria and odors for up to one year.
If you have a cleaning crew like our team, you probably don’t need to worry too much. They’re great at getting the major jobs done. It’s the little things that you touch or often touch that need frequent cleaning. Add these jobs to your weekly work routine, and your office will feel cleaner than ever before.