Spring is here, the snow is gone, and in its place: a mess. Winter isn’t always kind to commercial properties. Dirt, trash, and grime build up in parking lots, on windows, doors, and in your landscaping. That’s why it’s so important to invest... (Read More)
The end of the COVID-19 pandemic may be in sight, as the US averages millions of vaccinations a day, and rates are mostly stabilizing. We’ve still got a long way to go, but hope is on the horizon, and that’s a really great thing.
As an... (Read More)
There’s nothing more thrilling than renovating. It’s fun to watch an old space get transformed before your eyes. But there is one major problem you may forget about in your excitement to DIY –– the mess.
Renovating is a huge mess, and... (Read More)
Have you ever walked by an oscillating water sprinkler on someone’s lawn? If you want to avoid getting wet, you have to stop and wait for the sprinkler to turn back the other way, so you can book it across the sidewalk and avoid a mid-day... (Read More)
The sun is shining, the grass is turning green, the flowers are growing, and it’s time to deep clean. Spring cleaning is here and we wanted to share with you a bit of the history and science behind one of our favorite times of the year.
The... (Read More)
You know the face, the scrunched-up nose, the pursed-lip, and eyebrow raise; it’s the face we all make when we smell something bad. If you see that look in the faces of your customers when they enter your business, you’ve got an odor problem... (Read More)
Dust is everywhere. It's on your end table, your bookshelves, under the bed, in the carpet, and the curtains. At home, it’s easy to fight back with weekly chores and regular dusting. But what about at the office? What dust bunny horrors await if... (Read More)
Spring is almost here. The days are warmer, the snow is melting, the plants are growing, and seasonal allergies are in full swing. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you know how rough springtime can be. Allergies can be horrible. The itchy, red... (Read More)
Here’s the truth, most people don’t want to use the restroom in a business. They do it because they don't have a choice. We would all much rather use the restroom in our home because we know it's nice and clean. There’s nothing worse than... (Read More)
Let’s take a trip down memory lane, to your grade school science class. Ancient history, right? You probably learned about negative and positive charges. But what does this have to do with commercial cleaning, you ask? Well, the very basic... (Read More)